The vast amount of information accessible today has brought the world to implement new trends in all knowledge areas. Regarding to the Marketing has happened the same, however it is important to consider its origin. It is important to understand how this field has evolved to the present and its relation to the performance of companies regarding their customers. Today enterprises design better offers every day and consumers seek the best product benefits. Three criteria can be considered to understand Marketing origin, philosophical-theological, scientific and formal origin.
As Lambin mentioned in his book "Marketing Management", Marketing’s philosophical essence is based on individual choice theory related to company’s market orientation. This theory was mentioned before by Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations on Stoic Philosophy (160 d.C.) through buyer sovereignty principle "Serve others it´s serve yourself". In addition classical economists at the end of the eighteenth century reaffirm all Marketing conceptualizations through the social expression of those initial principles reflecting Marketing process. Adam Smith in 1776 exposed through these principles market economy basis describing a voluntary exchange based on invisible hand participation.
According to Kotler, in its publication "Questions about Marketing", Marketing Guru indicates that Marketing beginning was probably related to Adam and Eve story, but considering concept structured by him, Marketing is based on benefits exchange so the barter and the appearance of coin in Lydia, now Turkey in the seventh century BC would initiate the trade and after a while to what is now known as Marketing. Considering exchange as marketing essential activity, Philip Kotler also mentions that in academic terms than Marketing appeared early twentieth century in the United States of America by several courses specifically about distribution and wholesale sales retailers.
The formal beginning of Marketing as known today, according to the authors Gerald L. Manning and Barry L. Reece is given to AJ.B McKitterick in 1957 an executive of General Electric who structured more formally Marketing definition reflecting a corporate interest in marketing determining customer needs in order to design a product accomplish market requirements . McKitterick drafted an essay explaining marketing concept and its applications. It is relevant to consider what other authors and Lambin, Gallucci and Sicurello postulated its Marketing Management book considering Chamberlin (1933), Alexander (1940), Drucker (1954), Borden (1950), Alderson (1957), McKitterick (1957), McCarthy (1960) (Howard and Sheth (1969) and Kotler (1967 and 2005) contributions as development and implementations of current Marketing concept founders.
There is no doubt that Marketing will stay for a long time, Its Bible presence is demonstrated by emerge of trade based on the exchange, which will later be the main issue to understand Marketing concept. Economics fundamentals also show that this subject is the base of Marketing Science, for that reason Adam Smith had done reflections on consumer desires at his time. Later a conjunction of concepts, developments and contributions of several authors within General Electric executive AJ.B McKitterick, gave Marketing a formal beginning. Always Kolter must be considered Guru and most awarded author in this field because of its work related to this study field full of creativity, passion and analysis.